Complaints related to services of GAB or its accredited CABs can normally be made at All complaints raised with GAB will be acknowledged after validation by GAB.

Anonymous complaints will not be entertained normally. The complainant must give his name, contact address including email address.

GAB encourages the complainant that complaint against the services of accredited CAB shall be made only after the complainant has followed the complaint handling process of the accredited CAB.

(Investigation of complaint against the accredited CAB may incur some expenses. In case if the complaint is observed to be frivolous and unsubstantiated, GAB may ask the complainant to pay the costs incurred in the investigation of the complaint that requires additional assessment and travel.)

The complaints are investigated by GAB employing persons independent of the subject matter of the complaint. The progress and outcome of the investigation and correction/corrective actions implemented are communicated to the complainant.

GAB maintains a documented procedure for resolution of complaints that can be requested by writing to .